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Pectin Society Newsletter No. 1

Welcome to your first (and the first) Pectin Society Newsletter! This month features such informative columns as: Pectin product of the Month, Petty Pectin Trivia, and even a Contest. Bon appetite!

Pectin Product of the Month--Organization of Interest--Song of the Month--Where's That From?!--Petty Pectin Trivia

Pectin Product of the Month:

Arizona Pina Colada Drink

This succulent piece of paradise combines the really cool Arizona bottle with coco lopez (also used in real Pina Coladas). You'll never miss the alcohol.

Organization of Interest

As you well know, the Pectin society is dedicated to bringing attention to charitable organizations. Every month we shall give you the name and address of at least one organization whose ideas are similar to those of the Pectin Society.

Here's Your First One:

National Parks and Conservation
1776 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 223-6722
Email npmember@aol.com

This association is dedicated to preserving nature in the form of parks and wildlife. Membership is $25 a year. There are many membership perks. Besides discounts, they send magazines, decals, postcards, etc.

Song of the Month:

"Turning Japanese" by The Vapors (The reason will be revealed in a later issue.)

Where's That From?

Guess the source of this line. The first one to send in the correct response wins a surprise!

"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's, well...broken."

Petty Pectin Trivia:

*Janis Joplin was voted "Ugliest Man" in college.

*Alexander the Great was a Cancer. (Astrologically speaking.)

Hey all you beautiful pectin people! Thanks for joining. Don't forget to send in your dollar membership fee. If you feel you know any worthy candidates for the NPS, let us know. We'll be glad to send you additional applications. OR let us know where they live and we'll send one directly to their door.

Got any trivia, comments, or stories to share? Send your ideas to

[Aside: I put my address here in the paper version, but obviously I won't do that now.]

(By the way, we will actually WRITE in the following issues.)


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