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2005 Year in Review

Well, itīs the end of July. Guess itīs time we discussed what happened in 2004.

So 4 people sent in replies. There was a mixup with one of them and we got a blank reply, but hey, A for effort! I am answering this as I put it together myself. Then, you know, I waited for like, 8234 months to write this up. There were some clear-cut winners, but mostly everyone had completely different opinions, so I just wrote it all up for the world to enjoy. Um, and also, all italicized comments are courtesy of me, your faithful, loving and ever-so-timely editor. So enough with the excuses, letīs give it a whirl!


Song of the Year:

Jennifer - "Letīs Get it Started" by The Black-Eyed Peas
Jason - Izzo/Encore (editorīs note: Iīm not sure which is the band and which is the song *is a dork*)
Scott - "My Evil Plan to Save the World" by Five Iron Frenzy
Editor - "Hey Ya" by Outkast

Band/Musician of the Year:

Jennifer - Usher
Jason - Linkin Park
Scott - Danger Mouse
Editor - Damien Rice

Album of the Year:

Jennifer - "Clay Aikenīs Christmas Album...Just kidding! (I donīt know. I did not listen to any.)"
Jason - Metora
Scott - MMHMM by Relient K
Editor - Songs for Jane by Maroon 5 (Even though it came out about umpteen years ago. *shrugs*)

T.V. Show of the Year:

Jennifer - Desperate Housewives
Jason - Family Guy
Scott - Futurama
Editor - Friends (*begins to sob* It was the last season people! *uncontrollable weeeping*)

Movie of the Year:

Jennifer - Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban
Jason - Lord of the do me Orlando Bloom Rings (editorīs note: My better version under the better/altered title will be out as soon as, well, you know.)
Scott - Wonder Boys/The Incredibles
Editor - Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (Bang, bang, dude, bang, bang.)

Cartoon of the Year:

Jennifer& Editor - The Simpsons
Jason - Family Guy
Scott - Get Fuzzy/Futurama (Was Get Fuzzy turned into a cartoon?!?! I *heart* Get Fuzzy. Le sigh.)

Actor of the Year:

Jennifer & Editor - Jude Law (His pretty little face was all over the face last year, cheating bastard.)
Jason - "Ehhh"
Scott - "Paul Newman -- Sometimes nothingīs a real cool hand." (Word dat.)

Actress of the Year:

Jennifer - Scarlett Johannsen
Jason - "That Hot Girl"
Scott - "the chick that looks like Natalie Portman in Pirates of the Caribbean"
Me - Uma Thurman

Current Events

News of the Year:

Jennifer - The Tsunami, Christopher Reeves Dying, The US Elections
Jason & Scott - The Tsunami

Editor - The US Elections

Disaster (Natural or Otherwise) of the Year:

Everybody - The Tsunami

Scott - "sea above (can you make puns about things like that?)" I think the real question is what canīt you make pun of. *ba dum ching!*

Political Scandal/Event of the Year:

Jennifer - Michael Mooreīs movie, Ferenheit 911
Jason & Editor - Bush Gets 2nd Term
Scott - That Whole Ukraine Thing

Politician of the Year:

Jennifer - Barak Obama
Jason - "Ehhh"
Scott - "Arnold Schwarzenegger (really liked the statement that effectively said increasing business propsects and protecting the environment are not mutually exclusive...Iīd vote for him if he ran for president...well if he stopped all those damn Terminator references.)"
Editor - *blank stare*

Funniest/Oddest News Story of the Year:

Jennifer - "Iīll have to think about this."
Jason - Cannabalism in Wedding
Scott - Woman Finds Finger in Her Salad
Editor - Bush Gets 2nd Term

Most Uplifting/Life-Affirming/Hopeful News Story of the Year:

Jennifer - "Iīll have to think about this one too."
Jason - "Ehhh"
Scott - no answer
Editor - Release Day for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Announced


Celebrity of the Year:

Jennifer - John Travolta
Jason & Scott - no answer

Editor - Jude Law (cheating bastard)

Worst Celebrity of the Year:

Jennifer & Editor- Paris Hilton
Jason & Scott - no answer

Celebrity News You Could Have Lived Without:

Jennifer - Everything about Michael Jackson
Jason & Scott - no answer
Editor - Everything about Paris Hilton

Most Over-Talked About Celebrity of the Year:

Jennifer & Editor - Paris Hilton
Jason & Scott - no answer

Most Over-Talked About Celebrity Couple of the Year:

Jennifer & Editor - Justin Timeberlake and Cameron Diaz
Jason & Scott - no answer

Celebrity Who Shouldīve Gotten More Press This Year:

Jennifer - Fantasia Barrino
Jason & Scott - no answer
Editor - Uma Thurman

Life Events

Biggest event in your life last year?

Jennifer - "Hmmm...let me think...Having a baby!!"
Jason - Grad school...only 4 more years
Scott - no answer
Editor - 2 of the 4 Buddy Mammas getting married (does that count?)

Happiest moment?

Jennifer - "Holding Jason for the first time." (editorīs note: not the same Jason who took this survey)
Jason - "2 stripclubs in one week"
Scott - no answer
Editor - Seeing my friends again/Eating at Taco Bell again.

Saddest moment?

Jennifer - "I donīt remember any."
Jason - "5 weeks of tests"
Scott - no answer
Editor - It was, in general, a very shitty year for me.

What are your hopes for this year?

Jennifer - "To help Jason grow and learn and make him ready for the big, scary world. To teach him kindness, compassion, tolerance, and MANNERS :)"
Jason - "Win Lotto"
Scott - no answer
Editor - To not be as miserable as last year.
Well, there you have it. I guess I should get started on next yearīs Year in Review so that I can get it written up by about, October 2007. Hope 2005 has been/is good to everyone!
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